Monday, March 13, 2006


"Everything that ever was or is, started with a dream..."~Lava Gir from "Shark Boy and Lava Girl" the movie. Yes i kno, "Sam arn't you a little too old to be watching the 10 yr. old crowd movies? Well it goes to show how much you know me. I'm so much a 7 yr old stuck in a 17 year old body. But thats deffinatly NOT my point. I watched this movie for my 2nd time Sunday afternoon, and this quote just jumped out at me. You should really watch these kids movies these days, you learn a lot. But i really loved this quote, i guess you could say it really explains me and my beliefs. I mean i've always been the BIG dreamer. As every little girl would dream big, about having a pony one day and obnoxious things like that. But i guess as a 17 yr old you can call them "dreams" but i like to call them goals. God Bless my mother because she never laughed or put my "dreams" down. She saw them as reachable goals that i really want to accomplish. I believe becoming and fashion designer and owning my store and possibly makeing it big is possible. This has been my dream ever since 6th grade or so. My father hasn't been so supportive about the whole fashion design thing and dosn't beleive im going to be as succesful as i may believe. There have been many times when i felt that i wouldn't be able to do it because i saw that a lot of people were involved with makeing clothes or w/e since they were little. And then i did a project on Vera Wang my Freshman year of high school in my Fashion class. Vera is truly my idol. I believe if i remember correctly that she went to college, designed clothes for figure skaters and then was a fashion editor and then to the fabulous wedding gown designer she is today. I never really look up to the singers that become designers or the actors that become designers. I believe in working your ass of to get what you want, it's not juss gooing to get hand fed to you. And thats what i believe what happend to Baby Phat and J.Lo etc....Although being hand fed would be nice but i like the fact of working my ass of and just feeling the greatness of over joyed when you've accomplished everything that you've "dreamed". And you have to go back to the quote and realize everything you own everything that exist started out with a dream. You can go back in history and think schools, jobs public places wouldn't be with much diversity if it wasn't for Dr. King. And it's all proven in his "I had a dream..." speach. You can look at present time with the new Hybrid cars, it started with a dream. I really feel sorry for those who believe that they will come out as nothing in their life. I learned a theory in my Oral Communications clase called something like the Self-Fulfillment Prophicy. Meaning that if you believe your going to be nothing in life well odds are, your not going to. I get really mad at the people who say they really want to do something and then say they can't because they don't have the grades or potential. I look at it this way if you really want to be something in your life doctor, singer or photographer you got to work at it. You HAVE to do good in high school. High school is nothing you shouldn't mess around with, it's only getting you ready for college and that gets you ready for your career. So if you come home everyday and talk on the phone and failing all classes, i dont' have much sympathy for you. And all i want to end on is this...I WILL become what i want to become and that is a succesful fashion designer running my own business. And for those who want to be something; believe it, work hard, put everything you have into it. Because if you don't, you must want to work on that Blue Light Special.

Your One And Only,
Sam D.

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