Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Now isn't this some crap!

Okay so tell me why i havn't had the internet ever since Friday and i'm getting it back 2day! Ain't that some crap. Whats even worse is NO television till Friday, ain't that some BULL SHIT! I mean wat the hell! We juss got the damn dish on friday and already messin up on MONDAY! When it comes to television company's i seriously juss wanna shoot all of them!

So i havn't been on here since friday and nothing new i must say. I didn't go ne where all weekend cause i had the bad case of the flu wednesday night and juss sounded terrible after the bad stuff was over with. So my parents basically put me on LOCK DOWN! Hmmm o well. May sound wierd but i need a break of goin out. Sometimes i juss like to chyll and i get tired of drivin every where! So Sunday i had to do this Banquet thing for LAASA(Ladue African American Student Aliance) a organization/club thing at my school. And i'm a Junior Officer so i had to be there. It was okay i guess. That food was HELLA nasty! White people should deffinately not try and make soul food. So that was bout it

So monday nothing interesting happend that was my first day back. So i was in a way excited. Being cut off from the world was no fun. So then tuesday was a okay day. Really 2day wednesday was a good day cause I GAVE BLOOD! AND MISSED MOST OF CHEMISTRY! YES!!!!!!lol. And then today i finally i get the internet back! O MAN! did i catch up on some drama. Now isn't that sad that i gotta catch up on my drama on the f-in internet?!?! How dumb is that?! All i gotta say is what she's doin becca is not suprising me. Give it time and maybe she won't be so dumb ne more. Hopefully she will....if she dosn't drop out. What can i say their's always one bad apple in the family. And on my momma side thats her. So on that note i'ma go cause i'm talkin to the lil bro( Carmen he's juss a good friend who seem like a lil bro cause he get on my nerve a lot,lol!). Untill somethin interesting happens.....

Your one and ONLY,

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